
August 30, 2013 - Noah’s arrival


Noah’s arrival

I’m living an incredible experience, of course it has it’s pros and cons, but when I see my baby’s eyes looking at me with so much love and making me feel that he needs me… everything makes sense.
I had seven hours of labor. I broke water while I was taking a nap at home, and quickly the contractions started. We went right to the hospital and then it all began. Everything was going ok and Mike helped me through everything. I still think I couldn’t have made it on my own. I was so afraid: I was not in my home country, nor did people speak my main language, so everything scared me a bit more.
Because a complication with the umbilical cord, my baby was born by c-section. The doctors and mike were super calmed and were there for me every second. I was feeling a bit frustrated because I thought that I had done everything to make sure my baby had a natural birth, but I had to do what was best for him, so I just carried on and let the doctors do their job.
I went to the operating room and in less than 20 minutes little Noah was born! It was the best moment of my life, the best feeling ever. You just can’t compare it.
Recovery was a bit hard in the first 2 days, but by the third I felt a lot better.
The most important thing at this stage is that you breastfeed (which I’m going to talk you about more in-depth next week) and that the baby sleeps comfortably. ¡You should know newborn babies sleep A LOT! But they probably won’t do it within your schedule. Just be patient: If the baby cries, make sure he eats and burps if he needs to. Gradually he will get used to sleeping at night and not intermittently. To swing him softly while singing a lullaby probably will come to you naturally. I obviously take advantage of his father’s talents for this!
Here is a very complete guide of the newborn care. It has a lot of information that will definitely be helpful to you.
- Lu

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